There is a wide variety of ways to use cotton tent fabric, or any type of cotton fabric for that matter. From wrapping up your favorite book as a gift, to decorating your bedroom with something artistic, these ten things you can make with tent fabric will get anyone thinking on how they can use their own stash of fabric in a creative new way.
10 Ways to Use Cotton Tent Fabric
tent fabric can be used for many things around the home or outdoors. Here are a few ideas:
-Backpack: Cut a piece of tent fabric to size and use it as a backpack liner.
-Binoculars pouch: Cut a piece of cotton tent fabric large enough to enclose your binoculars and sew it together along the sides.
-Canvas shoeshine kit: Cut a piece of cotton tent fabric large enough to enclose your canvas shoeshine kit, and sew it together along the sides.
-Cotton candy maker: Cut two pieces of cotton tent fabric about 18 inches wide by 24 inches long and sew them together along one long edge. Make a small hole in one end and thread a length of thin plastic tubing (about 1/8 inch) through it. Suspend the other end from a rafter or ceiling fan blade using some sturdy twine or fishing line. Turn on the fan and watch the cotton candy make itself!

10 Tips for a Successful Sewing Project
When it comes to sewing with tent fabric, follow these tips for a successful project:
- Make a chart of the pattern you are using so that you know where all the seams and other important points are. You will be surprised how much easier it is to keep track of things this way.
- Pin your fabric closely to the seam allowance so that you don’t end up with any gaping or uneven edges. This will help ensure a smooth finished product.
- Use a zigzag stitch when sewing cotton tent fabric because it is less likely to create pulls or tears than other types of stitches.
- Allow plenty of time for your project – Cotton tent fabric is prone to stretching, so be sure to give it plenty of time to relax after being sewn together.
10 Things You Can Buy With Cotton Tent Fabric
Cotton tent fabric can be used for a variety of things, such as tarps, shelter, and sleeping bags. Here are five things you can make with cotton tent fabric:
- A tarp. A tarp is a versatile item that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as camping, hiking, and biking. To make a tarp with cotton tent fabric, cut the fabric into squares or rectangles and sew them together to create a large sheet.
- A shelter. A shelter is an essential item for camping and hiking. To make a shelter with cotton tent fabric, cut the fabric into strips and sew them together to create a rectangle or square. You can then add a roof and walls using either natural materials or items like sticks, rocks, or logs.
- A sleeping bag. A sleeping bag is an essential item for cold weather camping and hiking. To make a sleeping bag with cotton tent fabric, cut the fabric into strips and sew them together to form a rectangular shape. You can then add insulation using materials like flannel or fleece before sewing the strips together.
- Clothing accents. Cotton tent fabric is ideal for clothing accents because it’s lightweight yet sturdy enough to stand up to wear and tear during activities like camping and hiking. To create accessories like hats, mugs, backpacks, or purses out of cotton tent fabric, start by cutting small pieces of the fabric and sewing them together using
Quick Guide to Sewing with Cotton Tent Fabric
So you’ve got some cotton tent fabric lying around, and you want to make something with it! Here’s a quick guide to sewing with cotton tent fabric:
- Preheat your machine according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Cut out your pattern using a ruler and a cutting mat. Try to keep the cuts as straight as possible, so that the seam will lie perfectly flat when sewn together.
- Sew the seams together using a zigzag stitch or serged edge stitch, making sure not to stretch the fabric too much. If you need to remove any bulk from the seam allowance (for example, if you’re attaching a lining), use a seam ripper or scissors to do so.
- Finish off by hemming the edges of your garment using a hemming tape or thread needle and thread.