3 advantages and 3 disadvantages of modal fabrics

Modal fabric is a kind of natural fiber fabric, which is mainly made of wood pulp, so modal surface is very precious and high-grade.

Because modal is a natural fabric, it is very skin-friendly, and most modal fabrics are used to make women. underwear! This is what modal are.

Modal fabric advantages

1.Modal are made of natural wood, unlike traditional chemical fiber fabrics, which become waste and pollute the environment after being discarded, while modal fabrics are not.

Modal are easily decomposed into small particles that are easily absorbed by the soil when exposed to the wind and the sun. absorbed again by the plant.

Therefore, modal is an environmentally friendly fabric!

2.The surface of modal is silky and delicate, extremely skin-friendly and beautiful in color, so it is loved by the majority of female compatriots.

3.Modal has strong toughness, simple textile process, and will not break, and because modal uses wood fiber as raw material, it has a strong moisture absorption capacity, and it is dry and refreshing to wear in summer.

modal fabric

Disadvantages of modal fabrics

1.Sensitive constitutions may be allergic to modal.

2.Because modal are natural fiber fabrics, the textile cost will be higher, and ordinary consumers may not be able to afford them!

3.Modal cannot accept strong light and wind, and are easy to fade, so modal are rarely used for outerwear, and most of them are used for underwear!

The above is about what is modal and what are the advantages and disadvantages of modal.

Wikipedia’s explanation of modal


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