3 Features and Uses of microfiber home textiles

Literally speaking, microfiber home textiles is a very fine fiber. Academia generally defines fibers with a diameter of less than 5 microns as microfibers.

Many varieties of this fiber have also been developed in China. The main raw material they use is polyester.

Or nylon, which can be used to produce fabrics such as work clothes and towels.

After understanding the concept of microfiber home textiles, let me introduce to you the characteristics of microfiber.

microfiber home textiles

microfiber home textiles is light

First of all, fineness is its main feature. How fine is it? Pulling this fiber from the moon to Earth also weighs less than 5g, reflecting how thin and light microfibers are.

microfiber home textiles is soft to the touch

Then the clothing made of microfiber home textiles home textiles has a very soft touch, the cloth surface is delicate and has a silky finish, and the unique fiber structure also makes the cloth have good moisture absorption and air diffusion properties.

This kind of work clothes can also Adjust the temperature to achieve the purpose of warm in winter and cool in summer.

Other Features of Microfiber Fabrics

Because the fiber is fine enough, it can capture air dust and kitchen oil well.

In addition, the microfiber can quickly absorb water and evaporate the water quickly, so it can also be used to make wipes such as towels.

Microfiber fabrics do not lint or spin and have good strength and toughness, which also makes these fabrics have a long service life.

Uses of Microfiber:

The first is the wiping cloth that can be used to produce towels, bath towels and various instruments.

Because of its good decontamination effect, it is not even necessary to use cleaning liquid when wiping.
Then microfiber home textiles can be used to make underwear, T-shirts and other work clothes and the price is relatively affordable, and the fabrics of such fabrics have become particularly popular abroad.

explaination of microfiber home textiles from Wikipedia


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