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Points de référence des coûts de traitement des textiles

In the laundry processing business, many facilities fail because they cannot manage to meet simple processing cost benchmarks. Others have difficulties making decisions or justifying upgrades because they do not understand these benchmarks. Up until recently, little effort had been put into consolidating the necessary data into understandable terms that facility managers and executives will

Points de référence des coûts de traitement des textiles Lire la suite »

grossiste en tissu satiné

Un grossiste en satin de Chine analyse les tissus unis, sergés, satinés et jacquard

In daily life, when we buy Bedding, we always listen to the shopping guide that this is plain, this is twill, this is satin fabric, etc. What kind of fabric is good? Many people are confused after listening to it. I don’t understand where it is good. Let China satin fabric wholesaler talk about the characteristics and

Un grossiste en satin de Chine analyse les tissus unis, sergés, satinés et jacquard Lire la suite »

La nouvelle vague de technologie d'impression numérique sur tissu

Historical review in textile printing Textile printing is a method by which fabrics are printed in various colors, arts and designs. It is a very old art developed and created on fabrics in Egypt during 5000 B.C. Fabrics also found printed in Greek during 4th century. B.C, also it is noted that printing blocks were

La nouvelle vague de technologie d'impression numérique sur tissu Lire la suite »

tissu modal

L'usine chinoise de tissus en fibres recyclées explique les avantages du tissu en fibres recyclées

China recycled fiber fabric factory says that we all know that the resources on the earth are limited, but there are unlimited human needs. With the reduction of cultivated land and the increasing depletion of oil resources, the output of natural fiber and synthetic fiber will be more and more restricted, and regenerated cellulose fiber

L'usine chinoise de tissus en fibres recyclées explique les avantages du tissu en fibres recyclées Lire la suite »

tissu modal

Quel type de tissu est un tissu en fibres recyclées ?

Recycled fiber fabric takes natural cellulose (cotton, hemp, bamboo, trees, shrubs) as raw materials, does not change its chemical structure, but only changes the physical structure of natural cellulose, so as to produce regenerated cellulose fiber with better performance. Its structural composition is similar to that of cotton, but its moisture absorption and air permeability

Quel type de tissu est un tissu en fibres recyclées ? Lire la suite »

tissu en fibres recyclées

Un grossiste chinois en tissus imprimés parle du processus d'impression

China printed fabric wholesaler says that in recent ten years, pure color clothing fabrics have occupied the mainstream of the clothing fabric market. In recent years, with the gradual maturity of printing technology, printed fabrics have gradually come into people’s vision. Due to different printing patterns, the style of printing is also determined. China printed

Un grossiste chinois en tissus imprimés parle du processus d'impression Lire la suite »

Inde : un grand pôle d'externalisation textile

Indian Textile Industry: An overview Textile Industry is offering one of the most basic requirements of community and it possess importance; preserve continued growth for developing quality of life. From the manufacturing of raw materials to the delivery of end products, it has gain its kind of position, as a self-dependent sector and with considerable

Inde : un grand pôle d'externalisation textile Lire la suite »
