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Responsabilité sociale des entreprises dans l'industrie textile

The concept of social responsibility is a fairly recent one in the business world. Awareness about it of business organizations is rapidly on the rise and firms are also accepting this concept. The textile industry is no exception. Textile producing and trading firms are also realizing their responsibility towards the society and the environment. This

Responsabilité sociale des entreprises dans l'industrie textile Lire la suite »

Plastiques importants utilisés dans l'impression 3D

In the last few years, we have witnessed the magical world of 3D printed clothing. From high-fashion to high-technology, the 3D printed clothing is amazing to marvel at. More than the marvellous design possibilities available under 3D printing, the engineering used behind printing fabric like materials is simply astonishing. Most of the 3D printed clothes

Plastiques importants utilisés dans l'impression 3D Lire la suite »

9 excellentes raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez investir dans une machine d'inspection de tissus ! (Vérifier MAÎTRE)

The best way to inspect the Fabric is to check it on a good quality Inspection Machine. These machines are designed so that fabric in any form: Loose Fabric, Fabric Roll, Plaited Fabric can be inspected and the Output can be taken in Perfectly ALIGNED ROLLS or in other forms (Plaited, loose etc.) Further any

9 excellentes raisons pour lesquelles vous devriez investir dans une machine d'inspection de tissus ! (Vérifier MAÎTRE) Lire la suite »

tissu modal

Le fournisseur de tissu modal parle des avantages et des inconvénients du tissu modal

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Modal fabric supplier says modal fiber is a kind of cellulose fiber, which is made of wood slurry made from shrubs in Europe and made through special spinning process. Therefore, it belongs to cellulose fiber like rayon and is a pure man-made

Le fournisseur de tissu modal parle des avantages et des inconvénients du tissu modal Lire la suite »
