Points de référence des coûts de traitement des textiles

In the laundry processing business, many facilities fail because they cannot manage to meet simple processing cost benchmarks. Others have difficulties making decisions or justifying upgrades because they do not understand these benchmarks. Up until recently, little effort had been put into consolidating the necessary data into understandable terms that facility managers and executives will

Points de référence des coûts de traitement des textiles Lire la suite »

La nouvelle vague de technologie d'impression numérique sur tissu

Historical review in textile printing Textile printing is a method by which fabrics are printed in various colors, arts and designs. It is a very old art developed and created on fabrics in Egypt during 5000 B.C. Fabrics also found printed in Greek during 4th century. B.C, also it is noted that printing blocks were

La nouvelle vague de technologie d'impression numérique sur tissu Lire la suite »

Inde : un grand pôle d'externalisation textile

Indian Textile Industry: An overview Textile Industry is offering one of the most basic requirements of community and it possess importance; preserve continued growth for developing quality of life. From the manufacturing of raw materials to the delivery of end products, it has gain its kind of position, as a self-dependent sector and with considerable

Inde : un grand pôle d'externalisation textile Lire la suite »

Test de tissu résistant aux coupures selon ISO 13997:1999

High performance cut-resistant fabrics are manufactured in many forms and for a variety of purposes, including protective clothing and the secure covering of assets and personal belongings. In most cases, any risk from severe cutting hazards should be removed from the work activity. However, some cutting hazards often cannot be removed due to the nature

Test de tissu résistant aux coupures selon ISO 13997:1999 Lire la suite »
