Uso de tecnologías sin agua en el proceso de teñido

Scarcity of water and water pollution can derail your production process or the supply chain, lead to fights with other water users or damage corporate reputations. Problems of large water consumption are closely related to the textile industry which has become a global industry in today’s times. Textiles adorn every single item of your daily

Uso de tecnologías sin agua en el proceso de teñido Leer más »

¿Qué tela es la mejor para utilizar para fundas de futón?

Futon covers are important part of your futon couch and mattress. They protect your futons from dirt and dust around the environment, and keep the couch beautiful through their aesthetic designs and styles. However, buying futon covers can be overwhelming since they are made in several designs and color, as well as, fabric. Choosing the

¿Qué tela es la mejor para utilizar para fundas de futón? Leer más »

Tecnología de la información e industria textil

Today, Information technology (IT) plays a vital role in the field of textile industry. Any manufacturing unit employs four Ms that is, Men, Material, Machine and of course Money. To get organizational success, managers need to focus on synchronizing all these factors and developing synergies with in and outside organizational operations. With the increased competition,

Tecnología de la información e industria textil Leer más »

Muchos tintes utilizados en la ropa son carcinógenos conocidos

Organic clothing certified to accredited standards helps to ensure the natural fibers are cultured sustainably and ensures the manufacturing and processing have been conducted in an eco friendly manner. There are many problems associated with traditional textile dying methods. To start, most fibers are bleached white using chlorine. When emitted into local water systems, chlorine

Muchos tintes utilizados en la ropa son carcinógenos conocidos Leer más »
