El clima ambiental europeo arroja incertidumbre sobre los productos bromados

The European Union’s Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS) and Waste in Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directives earlier this decade added emphasis to the worldwide recognition of the effects that chemical compounds have on the health and safety of both humans and the planet. In response, several large corporations, such as Apple Computer, Nokia, Dell,

El clima ambiental europeo arroja incertidumbre sobre los productos bromados Leer más »

Inversión en tierra o en alta mar en Nueva Zelanda: biotecnología versus un NZOFC

New Zealand is an English speaking, democratic country of the British Commonwealth. It has a free market economy, political stability, a first rate educational system, and strong research, business, and entrepreneurial communities. New Zealand offers the foreign investor the opportunity for attractive investments onshore and a legal vehicle for operating a New Zealand offshore financial

Inversión en tierra o en alta mar en Nueva Zelanda: biotecnología versus un NZOFC Leer más »

Modificación de productos: ¡una estrategia ganadora para capturar nuevos mercados!

There is a pressing need for business firms to bring about changes in the physical attributes of their existing products periodically, to retain the customer base as well as to tide over the competition in the market. A number of factors may prompt the manufacturer to modify his product. To make best use of the

Modificación de productos: ¡una estrategia ganadora para capturar nuevos mercados! Leer más »

Colapso del sector algodonero de Pakistán

Decrease in cotton acreage, per hectare yield and imprudent government policies have taken a heavy toll on cotton production. According to Pakistan Central Cotton Committee’s (PCCC’s) report, cotton production target has been missed by 15 percent for the year 2018. The following table shows the cotton area and production targets and achievements for the year

Colapso del sector algodonero de Pakistán Leer más »
