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Ткань и DSG "Баннерные стены" - ПЛЮС, как я могу получить долгую жизнь от своих баннеров?

LAST UPDATED ON: August 7, 2018Can I make a “wall” out of the banners? Will the pictures connect? Sort of. And sort of. There are several styles of banner stands that can help you create a sort of wall with your banners. Some of you might be wondering why you would even want a “banner […]

Ткань и DSG "Баннерные стены" - ПЛЮС, как я могу получить долгую жизнь от своих баннеров? Читать дальше »

Обмен одеждой и проблема быстрой моды

Fast fashion is a relatively new phenomenon. It is the term used to describe the buying of cheaply made clothes which are then only worn a few times before being discarded. Fast fashion is a result of consumer desire to keep up with the ever changing trends and for a constantly updated wardrobe. What is

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Промышленность красителей в Индии и Китае

World demand for dyes and organic pigments to touch $10.6 billion in 2008 According to a study on dyes & organic pigments, the worldwide demand for organic colourants (dyes and organic pigments) is projected to increase at $10.6 billion in 2008 form 4.9 per cent annually in 2003. Generally, the dyestuff industry comprises three sub-segments,

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Что нужно знать о тканях

Are you looking for fabrics? There are two main types of fabrics that you can go with: knitted and woven. Knitted fabrics are created when you intertwine loops of fibers around each other. Knitted fabrics are usually soft and stretchy. Excellent examples of outfits made from knitted fabrics are: jumpers, t-shirts and leggings. Woven fabrics

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Преимущества и недостатки некоторых видов тканей

Different fabrics have different features. If we know some of these, it will be beneficial for us to make an ideal purchase. 1 Cotton cloth It is the generic term for all kinds of cotton textiles. It is often used to make fashion, casual clothing, underwear and shirts. It is light, warm, soft and snug.

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Преимущества и недостатки сублимационной печати на тканевых баннерах

Dye sublimation printing is, by definition, the sublimating of dye in fabric. The way it works is like this. First, a transfer paper is printed on a digital printer that is set up with CMYO dye cartridges rather than your typical CMYK inks. CMYK, or four color process printing (4CP is the shorthand version of

Преимущества и недостатки сублимационной печати на тканевых баннерах Читать дальше »

Шифоновая ткань

Что такое шифоновая ткань

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chiffon fabric is a very light chemical fiber fabric, which belongs to relatively thin fabric. Because the textile fabric is light, transparent and elastic, it looks light and elegant, has good air permeability and drapability, and is very comfortable and natural. The

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Маврикий Индастриз

There are many industries on the island of Mauritius. Some of the main industries in Mauritius are textiles, chemicals, food processing, tourism, metal products, non-electrical machinery and transport equipment. It seems that textile has been one of the major industries in Mauritius for the past 30 years. The Chinese population of Mauritius is mainly responsible

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шифоновая ткань

Как ухаживать за шифоновыми тканями?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chiffon fabrics belongs to protein delicate health care fiber, so it is not suitable to rub with rough articles during washing. Silk fabric clothes should be immersed in cold water for 5-10 minutes, gently rubbed with special silk fabric detergent or neutral

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