Экологичный уход за одеждой - химические вещества в производстве тканей и одежды, а также в изделиях для стирки

To care for green clothing in a “green” way, you first would do well to understand some basic information about how traditional (and sometimes, even green) clothing is processed and treated. This is even more important if you are seeking green clothing that is organic in every way, so you will know what to look […]

Экологичный уход за одеждой - химические вещества в производстве тканей и одежды, а также в изделиях для стирки Читать дальше »

Различные варианты использования целлофановой пленки

It’s clear, it’s handy, and it’s wrapped around my candy. The cellophane wrap is one of the most versatile discoveries of the 1900s. Intended to be a protective textile, the cellophane has since found application in many industries as a packaging material and as a semi-permeable film. Many people mistake cellophane for plastic. The truth

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Почему шелк - идеальная ткань для интерьера

Awesome sheen, luxurious appeal, superior strength and lovely warmth are just some of the features of silk that make it a gorgeous fabric. Did you know, there is much more to silk than just clothing. These threads of luxury have numerous applications owing to their versatility, durability and charm. And the best of them all,

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Каковы преимущества услуг химчистки и прачечной

Recently many people have become too busy to perform various home chores. The tough economy requires you to spend a lot of time at work. Many people do not have ample time to perform duties like washing textiles. Professional dry cleaning services come in to alleviate this problem. They clean your clothes and deliver them

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Этапы строительства дома - ткань или каркас

This refers to the structure or skeleton of the building, together with the main infill, mainly the external walling. The fabric is what most of us regard as the actual building and comprises the following; · Column: This refers to the vertical support members, mostly in the form of posts. The conventional column is a

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Каждый заслуживает альтернативного образа жизни

We live our lives fettered by the need to conform to the preconceived notions of the community in which we reside and make our living. While that is perfectly necessary, everyone should have an alternative lifestyle. That is practically the only way to recoup our energy and zest for life. An alternative lifestyle is not

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Полезная информация о тканях

Fabric is made from a network of thread and yarn formed together by knitting or weaving. Its texture and strength depends on the origin of the thread. Silk for example comes from the larvae of a silkworm. The process in which the thread is extracted from the silkworm larvae is called sericulture, which unfortunately kills

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10 лучших бизнес-идей в сфере производства в 2019 году

The Manufacturing Industry in India accounts for about 18% of total GDP employing 12% of India’s population directly. Among the humongous manufacturing sector, SME and MSME accounts to 90% of the totally industry activity and with new policies like The National Manufacturing Policy, the industry is looking to contribute more than 25% to GDP and

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Смешивание красок Speedball и чернил - трафаретная печать в домашних условиях

For screen printing, I have always used Speedball screen printing paint. I know there are several brands out there and everyone has a different preference, but I have had a very good experience using Speedball. I have found that these paints are great to screen with, mix great to make all kinds of shades and

Смешивание красок Speedball и чернил - трафаретная печать в домашних условиях Читать дальше »

Тенденции в индийской мужской одежде

Indian men’s wear is full of various appealing types of garments, both traditional and modern. Currently, there is a tremendous resurgence of interest in the lost textiles, garments and embroidery styles of Indian culture. There is also a renewed interest in adapting these into designs into contemporary fashion, which would bolster the style preferences of

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