قماش الساتان

الفرق بين 3 أنواع من الأقمشة: قماش الساتان ، ونسج قطني طويل ونسج عادي

In daily life, when we go to buy bedding, we always hear from the shopping guide that this is satin fabric, this is twill, this is plain and so on. Which fabric is the best? Weave structure of satin (satin) fabrics For satin fabric woven with satin weave structure, the warp and weft yarns are […]

الفرق بين 3 أنواع من الأقمشة: قماش الساتان ، ونسج قطني طويل ونسج عادي قراءة المزيد »

قماش الساتان

ما هو قماش الساتان؟ ما هي مزايا أقمشة الساتان؟

Satin fabric is the general name of satin weave fabric, which is denser and thicker than ordinary fabrics, but the cost is relatively higher. The satin fabric has the difference between the outside and the inside. The complete weave ring has the least interlacing points and the longest float. The surface of the fabric is

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قماش الساتان

بنية نسيج الساتان وخصائصه واستخداماته وأنواعه

satin fabric refers to the way the fabric fibers are woven. If you check the labels of some garments such as pajamas, wedding dresses, underwear and shirts, you will most likely see satin fabrics listed as the fabric used. Although it is a popular fabric for many women’s clothing, satin fabric can also be used

بنية نسيج الساتان وخصائصه واستخداماته وأنواعه قراءة المزيد »

نسيج الألياف المعاد تدويره

هل تعرف الأنواع الخمسة التالية من أقمشة الألياف المعاد تدويرها؟

Friends who have known workwear fabrics know that the ingredients of the fabric are natural fibers (cotton and linen, etc.), chemical fibers (polyester nylon, etc.) and recycled fiber fabric. recycled fiber fabric are renewable, and the production cost of most recycled fiber fabric will be It is lower than natural fibers and has very close characteristics to

هل تعرف الأنواع الخمسة التالية من أقمشة الألياف المعاد تدويرها؟ قراءة المزيد »

قماش ناعم

خصائص النسيج المصقول؟ كم تكلفة النسيج المصقول؟

Brushed fabric, also known as sheep fleece, is a knitted fabric made of polyester (polyester) as raw material through a series of finishing processes. It is generally used in the production of workwear such as sweaters, casual wear and casual wear. It is affordable and has many excellent characteristics. The extremely high cost performance makes

خصائص النسيج المصقول؟ كم تكلفة النسيج المصقول؟ قراءة المزيد »

نسيج مشروط

ما هو نسيج مشروط؟ ما هي 3 خصائص أقمشة مودال؟

Modal fabric (Modal) is a man-made fiber made from bush pulp by spinning technology. Currently, this fiber is more used in the field of workwear fabrics. Although it is a man-made fiber, its characteristics have surpassed natural fibers in many aspects, this article will take you to learn about the modal fabric. Features of modal

ما هو نسيج مشروط؟ ما هي 3 خصائص أقمشة مودال؟ قراءة المزيد »

نسيج مشروط

هل قماش الشيفون هو نفسه البوليستر؟

Chiffon fabric is different from polyester fiber. Polyester can be used to produce chiffon, and the raw material of chiffon is not limited to polyester, but also silk or other blended chemical fiber fabrics. Chiffon fabric and polyester belong to a cross relationship. By the way, I would like to introduce the characteristics of two

هل قماش الشيفون هو نفسه البوليستر؟ قراءة المزيد »

قماش أكسفورد

ما هو نسيج أكسفورد؟ هل قماش أكسفورد مقاوم للماء؟

Combed cotton is actually what we call oxford fabric. It has many functions and a wide range of uses. At present, it is more used in the production of trolley bags, tablecloths and other products. oxford fabric has been perfected countless times since its inception in 1900. At present, combed cotton has a particularly mature

ما هو نسيج أكسفورد؟ هل قماش أكسفورد مقاوم للماء؟ قراءة المزيد »
