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атласная ткань

Знакомство с четырьмя основными поставщиками атласной ткани

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents The first satin fabric supplier is UR Textiles As satin fabric supplier, UR Textiles specializes in the manufacture and sale of woven fabrics made of chemical fibers, and we are the most professional company in China when it comes to chemical fabrics. As satin […]

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Модификация продукта - выигрышная стратегия для выхода на новые рынки!

There is a pressing need for business firms to bring about changes in the physical attributes of their existing products periodically, to retain the customer base as well as to tide over the competition in the market. A number of factors may prompt the manufacturer to modify his product. To make best use of the

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набивная ткань

Анализ оптовых продавцов печатных тканей технологии цифровой печати

Table of Contents Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Printed fabric wholesaler explain birth of printing technology Printed fabric wholesaler said that in the 1980s and 1990s, with the rapid development of computer technology and the gradual popularization of office automation system, the office inkjet printing technology for paper has been

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Руководство для новичков по выбору правильной ткани

It’s one of the most important things a sewer must learn to do. What, you ask? Choosing the right fabrics for your sewing projects. For many beginning sewers, choosing fabric doesn’t seem like a big deal. In fact, ask any experienced sewer about it, and you’ll hear the same story. For one of their early

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Обвал хлопкового сектора Пакистана

Decrease in cotton acreage, per hectare yield and imprudent government policies have taken a heavy toll on cotton production. According to Pakistan Central Cotton Committee’s (PCCC’s) report, cotton production target has been missed by 15 percent for the year 2018. The following table shows the cotton area and production targets and achievements for the year

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4 популярных типа тканей для одежды

Fabrics and textures in modern clothing are wide-ranging and vary in relation to their tactile visual qualities. The type of fabric can have an impact on the all-round appearance, and help create the preferred look. Here are a few of the most popular types of clothing fabrics: Cotton Cotton is one of the most comfortable

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Для чего используется шерсть?

Wool has been used for thousands of years for a wide range of things. Essentially a fibre from the hair of sheep, yaks and goats, it is an incredibly versatile textile with an amazing amount of uses. 80% of the world’s supply goes into garment production. Clothing like sweaters, hats, and coats are highly valued,

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Что нужно знать перед покупкой стационарного тканевого дивана

With so many styles, colors, and textures of stationary fabric sofas, you can be assured to find the perfect one to buy. It’s a great idea to do some shopping before you purchase your sofa because of the variety available. You can find a sleek contemporary black vinyl or canvas sofa at one end, and

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Скульптуры и искусство Филиппин

Sculptures from the Philippines come in a variety of mediums. There are glass sculptures, marble sculptures, bronze and mixed medium sculptures. The themes, forms and styles used for Filipino sculptures run the artistic gamut from abstract sculptures to figure studies. During the 18th century sculptures from the Philippines reflected Catholic themes. One of the most

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Бейсбольные штаны - Руководство по выбору ткани и подгонки бейсбольных штанов

Worn for protection, baseball pants are padded and tough pants that have elastic waistbands. Their length reaches halfway down the lower legs and around the shins. The length also depends on the age of the player since youth leagues allow their players to wear above-the-knee shorts instead of pants. These pants are usually sold as

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