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Ткань из персиковой кожи

Что такое ткань из кожи персика?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Origin of the name of peachskin fabric Peachskin fabric, also known as peach skin cloth, is a kind of suede fabric whose appearance, touch and vision are similar to peach skin. This is a kind of thin sanding pile fabric made of […]

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Кокосовая ткань - будущее экологически чистой одежды

Coconut leaves and shells were a part of ancient clothing but did you ever know that they can be part of modern clothing too? If you wonder how, this might help you to acquire a little more knowledge about what’s happening in the textile industry. With the phrase eco-friendly catching up everywhere, it has now

Кокосовая ткань - будущее экологически чистой одежды Читать дальше »

Beesley Balance - лучший инструмент для определения свойств текстиля

During any production process, a manufacturer requires relevant data and accurate information to start the process accurately. The same happens with the textile material. Manufacturing of textile goods with yarn or thread includes many different processes that require different data and units to produce best quality of the fabric. There are many units which are

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оксфордская ткань

Что такое ткань оксфорд?

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Oxford fabric, also known as Oxford spinning. The traditional combed cotton fabric originated in England and named after Oxford University. Oxford fabric began around 1900. Fine combed high count yarn is used as double warp and interwoven with coarse weft yarn in

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Как украсить ткань с помощью различных техник резиста

There are different ways of decorating clothes. In the field of textiles, clothes can be enhanced mainly through printing, dyeing, and batiking. The resist methods of fabric decoration include Wax resist/Batik, Starch/Clay, Konkonte (Cooked cassava dough), Stitching or Tritiking, Wood and nail method, Knotting, Bunching, Binding, chemical resist and many others. However, the Wax resist,

Как украсить ткань с помощью различных техник резиста Читать дальше »

шифоновая ткань

Некоторые знания о шифоновой ткани

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chiffon fabric is a kind of light, transparent, soft and elegant textile among silk products. Chiffon’s scientific name is “Georgette”. Georgette, also known as georgette crepe, is a kind of silk fabric woven with strong twist crepe warp and crepe weft. According

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В чем преимущества и недостатки модальной ткани?

Table of Contents Modal is also called modal fabric, and its English name is modal. The raw material of modal fabric is made of European beech through beating and spinning. The raw material is 100% natural, harmless to human body, natural decomposition and harmless to the environment. The fabric after blending and interweaving with cotton

В чем преимущества и недостатки модальной ткани? Читать дальше »

Льняная ткань и ее использование

Linen fabric is made from flax fibre, which undergoes a whole process from plant rotting to yarn spinning and finishing. Though the process takes a couple of months, it is completely worth the effort. Linen fabric has gained huge popularity over the period of time. Linen fabric is well-known for its durability and strength. Cotton

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