Вы действительно выбираете подходящую ткань для шитья?

Sewing is one of the most practical, and fun, hobbies available to you can do today. By learning how to sew, if you don’t already… you can easily create items around your home and even make your own clothing. Sewing allows you to save money in many ways and also have the items you want, […]

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Gore Tex - мембрана, значительно изменившая гидроизоляционные возможности текстиля

Gore Tex is the trade name of a membrane which is impermeable against water and in the same run open to the diffusion of water vapor. It was named after the US-American chemist Robert W. Gore, who invented it in 1969. Its main component is the polytetrafluoroethylene which is also the chemical component of Teflon.

Gore Tex - мембрана, значительно изменившая гидроизоляционные возможности текстиля Читать дальше »

Экспорт текстиля: возможности и проблемы после реализации сценария МИД

The Multi-Fiber Arrangement (MFA) has governed international trade in textiles and clothing since 1974. The MFA enabled developed nations, mainly the USA, European Union and Canada to restrict imports from developing countries through a system of quotas. The Agreement on Textiles and Clothing (ATC) to abolish MFA quotas marked a significant turnaround in the global

Экспорт текстиля: возможности и проблемы после реализации сценария МИД Читать дальше »

Введение в ткань из стекловолокна с силиконовым покрытием

If you have never heard of silicone coated fiberglass fabric, you are on the right page. In this article, we are going to introduce this type of fabric. First of all, it’s important to note that the fabric is an ideal choice for different applications because of the special properties it contains. Therefore, it’s strong

Введение в ткань из стекловолокна с силиконовым покрытием Читать дальше »

Что такое геотекстиль?

Geo-Textiles can be defined as “a fabric or synthetic material placed between the soil and a pipe, gabion or retaining wall; to enhance water movement and retard soil movement and act as a blanket to add reinforcement and separation.” These are generally made up of woven, nonwovens and knitted type of fabrics. Geo-Textiles also known

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Лучшие чехлы для автофургонов сделаны из ткани рипстоп

The sporting goods community has a new term when it refers to the material used to make heavy duty tear resistant equipment. That term is ripstop and it refers to 100% woven fabric that is lightweight and has a nylon-threaded interlocking design that resists tearing and ripping. Ripstop fabrics are made by weaving and interlocking

Лучшие чехлы для автофургонов сделаны из ткани рипстоп Читать дальше »

Понимание текстиля - окунитесь в мир ремесленного батика

Very unique artistic batiks are produced on the Island of Java. Java is located in Indonesia. The batiks are created by artisans-considered skilled dye masters. The persons incorporating this process are considered dyers. They develop new and intriguing looks and styles, on different fabrics. The idea is to create something new and exciting as it

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Ткань для зонтов для патио - выбор подходящей ткани для ваших нужд

As you browsed through the internet for patio umbrellas you may have noticed that there are many different fabric options available. With so many choices, you may ask yourself, “What is the difference between all of these fabrics?” In this article, we will cover the different fabric types in order to help you choose the

Ткань для зонтов для патио - выбор подходящей ткани для ваших нужд Читать дальше »

Самые популярные ткани и текстиль в мире

The list of fabric available on the market is endless. What are the most popular fabrics and why? Versatility, durability, and ease of care are some of the reasons. Read on for a list of the worlds most popular textiles, their uses and care, and what makes them so sought after. 1. Cotton leads the

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