
3 вещи, которые вы должны проверить перед покупкой льняной ткани

Linen, made from flax fibers, is one of the oldest fabrics in the world, having been in use for thousands of years. Linen is a popular fabric for bedding, clothing, upholstery, and other uses. Linen is popular because it has unique filtering that gives it moisture absorbing, evaporating, and ventilating capabilities, making it bacteria resistant. […]

3 вещи, которые вы должны проверить перед покупкой льняной ткани Читать дальше »

Является ли текстильная красящая промышленность опасной для окружающей среды?

Color is the first thing we see when buying a fabric. But do you know how this color is dyed onto the fabric. It is usually takes several gallons of water for one pound of fabric. What effect does this have on the environment? Read along to get interesting insights! Textile Chemicals are used in

Является ли текстильная красящая промышленность опасной для окружающей среды? Читать дальше »

Текстильная печать в Индии - традиционный подход

India is a country of diversities. It is rich in various embroidery techniques and printing techniques. Indian tradition is even rich in paintings and we can see that from the paintings of Ajanta murals and miniature paintings. In ancient times, the art of weaving and dyeing on cotton had been well developed, but it developed

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Какие типы тканей используются для стандартных выпускных шапок и платьев?

Because of the long history of the wearing of graduation caps and gowns, dating back as far as the 12th and 13th centuries during the formation of universities, a governing body now exists to prevent deviations and to preserve the long-standing tradition associated with the use of academic ensemble. The American Council on Education or

Какие типы тканей используются для стандартных выпускных шапок и платьев? Читать дальше »

Искусство цифровой печати и выбор правильной ткани для цифровой печати в области текстиля

For doing the digital printing you always need a canvas that can absorb your colors. The art of selecting the right fabric is as important as making the right designs. Most of the times it has been seen that the designing are good but the fabric is not absorbing the colors properly. We provide solution

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Какая ткань для дивана лучше всего подходит вам

Buying a new sofa is a large and important purchase. Your sofa should be both beautiful and functional since it will not only the focal piece of your living room set but also a place to relax with a book, cuddle up with a loved one or gather with friends and family. With so many

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Текстильная и швейная промышленность Турции

Market Overview Textile and Apparel industry has a great contribution to the Turkish economy. The industry has been denominated as the locomotive of the Turkish Economy for years. Turkey’s textile and apparel exports continued rising recently after began falling in January, with elimination of EU and US quotas. The industrialisation efforts of the 60’s and

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Преимущества выбора тканевых навесов

Awnings, or overhangs, are a class of their own when it comes to providing shade. Designed primarily to shelter windows and sides of buildings from the elements from the heat of the sun, excessive gusts of wind, and torrential downpours-these functional, yet fashionable al fresco accessories come in a variety of shapes and sizes, as

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Индийская текстильная промышленность для дома завоевывает позиции во всем мире

Two decades back, stylish interiors or beautiful indoors were in minds of only a few homeowners. Most of the houses had limited stock of bed linen and bedsheets, which were washed and reused again and again. Home textiles and furnishings were majorly seen in the market during festivals only. Now, thanks to the increasing number

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