غير مصنف

اختبار النسيج المقاوم للقطع وفقًا لمعيار ISO 13997: 1999

High performance cut-resistant fabrics are manufactured in many forms and for a variety of purposes, including protective clothing and the secure covering of assets and personal belongings. In most cases, any risk from severe cutting hazards should be removed from the work activity. However, some cutting hazards often cannot be removed due to the nature […]

اختبار النسيج المقاوم للقطع وفقًا لمعيار ISO 13997: 1999 قراءة المزيد »

الصين مورد النسيج المطبوع

يشرح مصنع النسيج المطبوع الصيني المعرفة بالأقمشة المطبوعة

What is printed fabric said by China printed fabric factory China printed fabric factory says that printed cloth is made of grey cloth and printed paper at high temperature. It is also a kind of cloth. Printed cloth has been more popular in the Tang and Song dynasties. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, printed cloth

يشرح مصنع النسيج المطبوع الصيني المعرفة بالأقمشة المطبوعة قراءة المزيد »

3 أشياء يجب عليك التحقق منها قبل شراء قماش الكتان

Linen, made from flax fibers, is one of the oldest fabrics in the world, having been in use for thousands of years. Linen is a popular fabric for bedding, clothing, upholstery, and other uses. Linen is popular because it has unique filtering that gives it moisture absorbing, evaporating, and ventilating capabilities, making it bacteria resistant.

3 أشياء يجب عليك التحقق منها قبل شراء قماش الكتان قراءة المزيد »

مصنع أقمشة الساتان في الصين

يشرح مصنع نسيج الساتان الصيني خصائص نسيج الساتان الخشن المنسوج

China satin fabric factory said that woven coarse satin fabric is actually an upgrade from satin to unrestrained style. The general Woven Satin fabric is delicate and compact, and the texture is often invisible, so the mirror of the cloth is very bright. China satin fabric factory said that the woven coarse satin fabric is designed with

يشرح مصنع نسيج الساتان الصيني خصائص نسيج الساتان الخشن المنسوج قراءة المزيد »

هل صناعة صباغة المنسوجات خطرة على البيئة؟

Color is the first thing we see when buying a fabric. But do you know how this color is dyed onto the fabric. It is usually takes several gallons of water for one pound of fabric. What effect does this have on the environment? Read along to get interesting insights! Textile Chemicals are used in

هل صناعة صباغة المنسوجات خطرة على البيئة؟ قراءة المزيد »

الصين المنسوجات المنزلية ستوكات المورد

أوضح مورد المنسوجات المنزلية المصنوعة من الألياف الدقيقة في الصين فوائد هذا النسيج

China microfiber home textiles supplier said that when it comes to rags, I believe everyone is no stranger. Rags are essential daily necessities for every household. But have you ever used microfiber rags? Now China microfiber home textiles supplier give you an overview of what special functions the superfine fiber rag has! China microfiber home textiles

أوضح مورد المنسوجات المنزلية المصنوعة من الألياف الدقيقة في الصين فوائد هذا النسيج قراءة المزيد »

طباعة المنسوجات في الهند - النهج التقليدي

India is a country of diversities. It is rich in various embroidery techniques and printing techniques. Indian tradition is even rich in paintings and we can see that from the paintings of Ajanta murals and miniature paintings. In ancient times, the art of weaving and dyeing on cotton had been well developed, but it developed

طباعة المنسوجات في الهند - النهج التقليدي قراءة المزيد »

ما نوع الأقمشة المستخدمة في قبعات وأردية التخرج القياسية؟

Because of the long history of the wearing of graduation caps and gowns, dating back as far as the 12th and 13th centuries during the formation of universities, a governing body now exists to prevent deviations and to preserve the long-standing tradition associated with the use of academic ensemble. The American Council on Education or

ما نوع الأقمشة المستخدمة في قبعات وأردية التخرج القياسية؟ قراءة المزيد »
