5 نصائح لمساعدتك في اختيار مورد المنسوجات المناسب

As a business owner, if you want to ensure a successful supply chain, you must look for the best textile supplier for your brand. Before you go with the supplier, know that there they should be able to satisfy all of your requirements. Given below are some tips from experts that will help you choose

5 نصائح لمساعدتك في اختيار مورد المنسوجات المناسب قراءة المزيد »

تجارب الكيمياء التي تستكشف خصائص حرق النسيج

Science fair projects on burning fabrics can be designed to test the safety of pajamas or simply designed to look at the heat produced by various types of fabrics. When designing your chemistry experiments you will want to select a topic that not only is interesting to you, but that also has a practical application.

تجارب الكيمياء التي تستكشف خصائص حرق النسيج قراءة المزيد »

راجستان للحرف اليدوية - مزيج رائع من الألوان والثقافة

Reflecting the true culture of the state, handicrafts of Rajasthan are known for their unique designs. The art seems to be influenced by the Rajputs and the Mughals. Besides the Historical Monuments, Exotic Wildlife, and Vibrant Culture and Traditions, Rajasthan specialises in Handicrafts. These unique items make Rajasthan a shopper’s paradise. One can spend hours

راجستان للحرف اليدوية - مزيج رائع من الألوان والثقافة قراءة المزيد »

هل ملابس السباحة الخاصة بك مصنوعة من نسيج نايلون مرن؟

Have you ever wondered about the material your swim suit is made of? If you have then here is the solution to your question. Maximum swim suits are made of supplex nylon fabric which looks like cotton but is actually a waterproof fabric. This miracle fabric as many may call it does not get wet

هل ملابس السباحة الخاصة بك مصنوعة من نسيج نايلون مرن؟ قراءة المزيد »

الاستخدامات المختلفة لغراء الأقمشة

Fabric glue has some advantage over other methods of joining, like stitching or stapling. The glue can be used to effectively bond surfaces where joining marks like stitches or staples may not be aesthetically permissible or when the time is short. The one thing to be kept in mind is that it may not be

الاستخدامات المختلفة لغراء الأقمشة قراءة المزيد »

القضايا الرئيسية التي تواجهها صناعة المنسوجات والملابس الهندية في السوق العالمية

The textile sector of India is one of the oldest sectors in its economy.The Indian apparel exports data shows that textile exports have a dominant share of 43% of the total Indian exports. Though India has a large textile manufacturing set up and has production facilities across all levels of manufacturing chain, there are still

القضايا الرئيسية التي تواجهها صناعة المنسوجات والملابس الهندية في السوق العالمية قراءة المزيد »

هل آلة التطريز يتقلص النسيج؟ 6 أسباب تشويه النسيج

Technically, embroidering on fabric won’t actually “shrink” fabric but as stitches are embroidered into the fabric and the machine pulls each stitch taut, distortion occurs, which can result in the appearance of “shrinkage.” These distortions occur as a result of “push” and “pull.” Stitches push out on their open ends or parallel to the length

هل آلة التطريز يتقلص النسيج؟ 6 أسباب تشويه النسيج قراءة المزيد »

خطوات صناعة الأحذية نحو التصنيع الأخضر

In a world where one individual can own up to fifty pairs of shoes, the footwear industry has begun to see the need to adopt eco-friendly practices. Shoe manufacturers are improving their production methods to reduce the size of the carbon footprint they leave behind. However, recognizing that green assembly is not enough, the industry

خطوات صناعة الأحذية نحو التصنيع الأخضر قراءة المزيد »
