مضادات الميكروبات في صناعة النسيج

As far as health-related professions are concerned, protection from pathogens is a growing concern, and textiles with antimicrobial properties are becoming more desirable. Fungi or similar other insects are responsible for lethal infections and allergic reactions. Despite the production of antimicrobial textile products; three inherent problems remain: * Demonstration of efficacy, * Claiming efficacy in

مضادات الميكروبات في صناعة النسيج قراءة المزيد »

احترس من بلاط البورسلين المطبوع على القماش الرائع

Fabric cross-stitch patterns work very well in the home or office decors! The light and the shadow beside the 3D patterns are breathtaking. Otherwise, fabric often faces problems like dirt and may be difficult to maintain clean. Porcelain Tile Collection takes away the fabric fuss and you enjoy the textures, a gift of inkjet printing.

احترس من بلاط البورسلين المطبوع على القماش الرائع قراءة المزيد »

Padayappa والمنسوجات والثروة الحيوانية

Once upon a time in the year 1999, the inhabitants of Chennai, India, were rejoicing after a long wait. For months they had struggled against that intolerable beast – Mr. Anticipation. They say that anticipation kills. Well, it certainly might; especially when the cause and salvation of that anticipation turns out to be Superstar Rajinikanth’s

Padayappa والمنسوجات والثروة الحيوانية قراءة المزيد »

أقمشة الحرير - حرير أنيق ، ملكة المنسوجات

Interesting Facts It’s a miracle at all that a tiny little caterpillar and its cocoon could be the source of one of the most beautiful textiles we know. Cultivated for thousands of years, silk continues to be the paragon of elegance and refinement. It is also amazingly versatile, taking many forms. Silk threads can be

أقمشة الحرير - حرير أنيق ، ملكة المنسوجات قراءة المزيد »

نسيج الباتيك من The Yard يبدأ من $ 1.40 أمريكي مع جميع التقنيات المصنوعة يدويًا

100 cotton batik fabric the best quality We use 100 cotton batik fabric quality choice. Maybe you ask, what is the real cotton?. Before entering the problem of cotton, it would be better to know about cotton base material ie cotton. Cotton is a fine fiber that envelops the seeds of several species of Gossypium

نسيج الباتيك من The Yard يبدأ من $ 1.40 أمريكي مع جميع التقنيات المصنوعة يدويًا قراءة المزيد »

مقدمة في المنسوجات المنزلية والأقمشة بالجملة لديكور المنزل

Home furnishings or soft furnishings is the happening thing in the textile and fashion business today. More the people long for decorating their surroundings with soothing colours and designs, more the textile manufacturers are increasing the production of interior textiles. Fabrics used in Home furnishings Home Furnishing Fabrics or Home Textiles refer to the textiles

مقدمة في المنسوجات المنزلية والأقمشة بالجملة لديكور المنزل قراءة المزيد »

كل ما تريد معرفته عن المنسوجات

Textiles have been being produced since 34,000 BCE. In the thousands of years that have passed since then, technologies have been invented and cultures have been created that have contributed to the vast array of textile styles we currently have to choose from. Here’s a condensed version of everything you would want to know about

كل ما تريد معرفته عن المنسوجات قراءة المزيد »
