قماش شيفون

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Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chiffon fabrics belongs to protein delicate health care fiber, so it is not suitable to rub with rough articles during washing. Silk fabric clothes should be immersed in cold water for 5-10 minutes, gently rubbed with special silk fabric detergent or neutral

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قماش شيفون

ما هو قماش الشيفون؟ مزايا وعيوب الشيفون

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents What is Chiffon Fabric Chiffon fabric is a textile product among silk products. Its name comes from the sound and meaning of English chiffon, which means light and transparent fabric. It has the characteristics of light, transparent, soft and elegant fabric. In

ما هو قماش الشيفون؟ مزايا وعيوب الشيفون قراءة المزيد »

أربع مهارات صيانة لنسيج جلد الخوخ

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Peachskin fabric is a new type of plagiarized fiber plush fabric, and with its durability and comfort, it gradually comes out of artificial suede and becomes a fabric more loved by consumers. Can peachskin fabric be washed in life? When peach skin

أربع مهارات صيانة لنسيج جلد الخوخ قراءة المزيد »

نسيج الخوخ

مهارات تنظيف وصيانة نسيج جلد الخوخ

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Can peach skin velvet fabric be washed? Peachskin fabric, even if you love a fabric, it is an inevitable fact that clothes will be dirty for a long time. Because of its good moisture absorption, ventilation and waterproof lamp effect, this smooth

مهارات تنظيف وصيانة نسيج جلد الخوخ قراءة المزيد »

قماش شيفون

بعض المعرفة عن قماش الشيفون

Table of Contents Add a header to begin generating the table of contents Chiffon fabric is a kind of light, transparent, soft and elegant textile among silk products. Chiffon’s scientific name is “Georgette”. Georgette, also known as georgette crepe, is a kind of silk fabric woven with strong twist crepe warp and crepe weft. According

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ما هي مزايا وعيوب النسيج النموذجي؟

Table of Contents Modal is also called modal fabric, and its English name is modal. The raw material of modal fabric is made of European beech through beating and spinning. The raw material is 100% natural, harmless to human body, natural decomposition and harmless to the environment. The fabric after blending and interweaving with cotton

ما هي مزايا وعيوب النسيج النموذجي؟ قراءة المزيد »
